Monday, May 18, 2009

Sleep? Me? Nah.

I've just finished listening to Waking the Fallen by Avenged Sevenfold for like the eighteenth time.


It was only the third. But that's okay. I find that screaming in the middle of the night is quite soothing. Perhaps I'm a nut case? I'll accept that.

There has never been any great genius without a spice of madness.


But what is madness anyhow? Mad as a hatter. Is that a phrase? Huh.

Well it reminds me of my desire to read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

ANYWAY. Waking the Fallen. Avenged Sevenfold. I borrowed it from a boy with newly black hair and not-so-new purple pants. I'd never heard the album before, and was a bit skeptical. I have a tendancy not to trust albums that are considered the artist's 'Best Work'. But I must say, I quite approve of this one. Nice flow to the songs. If you're into this kind of stuff, which on occasion I can be, it's a good listen. My favorite song on it is 'Clairvoyant Disease'.

So now I leave you. Goodnight, sleep tight. Don't let the obscenely tattooed stud muffin bite.