Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The End.

I've just finished watching this movie. It was Wow. Something about hearts. Huh. I feel dumb. Just a second.


Right! Untamed Hearts. Sound cheesy? Yeah, that's because it was. Trust me. I was good. It was "different", according to some people. But really. I saw a movie that was practically identical in storyline. Well, not really. But same basic concept. Except Keith--the other movie--had so much more character development, was SO much easier to relate to...and okay, I have to admit. Keith is the best name EVER. Anyway. Keith. Ignore that it stars Jesse McCartney. He was actually very very good in the movie, nothing at all like the way he usually is. It was a delicious film for anyone in the mood for a chick flick/drama. Go watch it.

And now I'm going to get back to my point about Untamed Hearts. It ended with the words THE END. Which is pretty classic, I suppose. Things ending with 'the end'. Plus--listen to me! It ends with the words the end. But it still bugs me. I hate the end. Because nothing is ever the end, is it? Yeah, okay, the movie is over. But if you think like I do, those characters aren't over. They still have their own imaginary lives to live. So it isn't the end.
If you can't see it that way, it still isn't the end. Anything you watch or read has to have some sort of impact on you. You might not notice, and you could very well call it a waste of time. But it still makes you think. It still occupies your time, and your mind. So it didn't end. It's still with you, no matter how endlessly cheesy it was. Or annoying. Or a waste of time.

It's a good thing I'm done, because Malcom in the Middle just came on.

I still love you, dear.

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