Friday, June 5, 2009

Of Dreams, Metal Music, and Juicy Couture

Ever since I got to the fantastic land of muskies and forests, I've been having this weird sleep thing going on. I don't get to sleep until extraordinarily late, as per usual. However, something unusual has started happening. I have been dreaming. Which sounds all like premnintiony or something, but really it's just odd. I don't dream. But when I do, I have some of the strangest dreams you could possibly imagine. Like, during Seussical, I constantly dreamed about Dave's cummerbund (which, incidentially, he asked me about as a joke, but I really was dreaming about it) eating me, or becoming strange creatures and singing songs about Dave's dyed eyebrows. Not lying.
Anyhow, I had this dream last night. Not the one about the cummerbund. Well, the cummerbund was in it, as has become tradition in my dreams. But it was a different dream. It had all these power metal refrences and that Asain guy from DragonForce was my brother's biological brother, which was cool. He told me to call him Hermie...which I thought was weird while I was dreaming. My brother grew his hair out and started playing metal. Not surprising since he's naturally started doing that screamo voice--though he didn't know it until I told him. But the other parts of the dream (involving newly shaved Chap theatre boys requesting that I marry their mother) was unimportant.
The important part? Hermie--my bro's bro, in the dream--was not such a wierd thing to request to be called. Because I looked the guy up. His name is Herman. No joke.
I was also wearing Juicy Couture throughout the whole thing, which is so unlike me it hurts. Have you ever considered the phrase Juicy Couture? What an oxymoron. And how desperate is it to plaster 'Juicy' all over your ass and boobs? Desperate. Ugh. If anybody ever catches me in Juicy, I permit them to shoot me. My boobs are plenty juicy without having to advertise it. And that sentence probably made my week.

This post is also on my Facebook, for advertising purposes, in case anybody is curious.

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