Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Welcome to Hayward.

Hayward, Wisconsin, more specifically. What makes Hayward special? It is home to the world's largest fish-shaped building. Yeah, not lying to you. It's the Fishing Hall of Fame. And hot damn, are there some big fish out there.
Anyhow, this is where I am right this second. In an ice cream shop. With Wi-Fi. I'm actually staying about half and hour away, in the middle of the woods. Well, okay. It's on a lake. But that lake is in the middle of the woods. It's called Lac Courte Orillies, which is a pretty name for a pretty lake. But that's about it. I'm taking pictures for you guys :)
Okay. Now onto something that I came across in a book called The Little Book of Venom. It's a quote from Baudelaire--a French poet. It goes:
"What is art? Prostitution."
I can't quite decide if there's somthing wrong with me that I'm so attracted to quotes involving prostitution, but there it is. Oh well. Anyhow, this is something that I actually thought about for a good half an hour. I think what it means is that, by selling your art, you are selling yourself. I agree with the concept...but not the whole 'prostitution' thing. Because selling yourself in the form of art is good. Selling yourself in the form of prostitution is bad. Well, okay. Worse than bad. But the severity of the crime of prostitution is not my point. Is selling art, which is practically selling the fiber of your being, like prostitution? I don't think so.
Hum. That's all I have today. I probably won't update until Thursday...my apologies. Hope you are all doing well!

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