Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Interstate sucks.

I hate hotel pools--undersized and overchlorinated.

Anyway, I was kind of hoping to make that into some sort of metaphor...but I couldn't think of anything. I suppose I'm a bit braindead after all the highway driving. The thing that sucks about driving on the interstate for looonnnggg stretches is that you don't have room to think. You spend hours on end doing nothing but trying to keep the steering wheel pointing forward without swerving into the other lanes, and maintaining speed. I'm driving along, wishing that I could zone out and start thinking something interesting, but I can't. The only thing I can think about is the road ahead--and let me tell you, it really isn't that interesting of a road. The most interesting part of the drive? Trying to get past a line of five semi trucks.
And another thing. Why are semis called 'semi'? Normal car-trucks are about fifty bazillion times smaller than semis. And they're just called trucks. The semi should be the car-trucks, and the car-trucks should be called semis.
That is my rant.
I don't know when I'll have internet access again.
So you guys have fun with life while I'm gone--perhaps you should text me if you miss me :)

1 comment:

  1. I hate driving on the interstate! I sort of got distracted and kind of drifted on to the warning track...let's just say that perked my family up a bit...
