Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A bit of theatrical culture.

Singing for my Theatre III class tomorrow will most likely be an utter disaster. But I might do it anyway. Just so long as I make sure everybody promises not to laugh at me. And I'll redeem myself afterward with a very awesome monolouge. I'm pretty good at those...

I was going to do one from A Hard Day's Journey Into Night, but I haven't read the whole thing. I think that might be a problem. So I'm going to pull from my monolouge from my Encore audition. That one is from A Streetcar Named second-favorite drama. I read it for my sophomore research paper, and hated the paper. But I love the play. It's a little...shocking, I suppose. At least for its time. But then, so was Death of a Salesman. That one is my favorite drama. I also read that in English class. Willy Loman is probably one of the most fascinating characters. Plus the way the entire play is infected with Willy's insanity makes me immensely happy. If you haven't read either of those plays, I think you should drop everything you are doing and go read them.

Or, preferably, see them.

"The jungle is dark, but full of diamonds."

Anyway, the song I want to sing is from Parade, another favorite of
mine. I've only ever seen it once, but I want to see it again. I got all sorts
of chills watching it. If you don't know the story of Leo Frank, that's another one you should look up.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My dear Kyra,
    I am sure you will do GREAT in singing tomorrow. I just wish I was there to appalude you along!
    Just keep your head high and smile
    (That's a song by the way. It was written for a little boy who has cancer. Just incase you wanted to know)

  3. well, i have to sing for english. since everybody was like "hey, how many jokes can we make about leah thomas not being able to sing??"
