Monday, May 18, 2009

Novacaine anyone?

I cannot feel the left side of my face. Gross.

So I just tried to puff out my cheeks and fill them with air, right? Yeah. Didn't work. I can't keep my lips shut!!!

I mean, granted it's much better than the excruciating pain I was in BEFORE they put the novaciane in...but it's still annoying.

I think there should be some sort of new natural selection type thing where humans will no longer be able to feel pain. I'm fairly certain that there would be quite a few more things that could go wrong then right with such a trait. But I would be totally fine with it.

1 comment:

  1. i got a tooth pulled last...hmmm...wednesday?
    and drinking water was not too easy. and i felt like a retard when i talked. because i couldn't pronounce the letter S.

    Oh well. No more teeth to be pulled!

    and this is Leah by the way...
