Sunday, June 21, 2009

Say yes to pull the trigger.


So I'm sitting here on the porch looking at a pontoon boat going past. This is where I can get the best view of the lake (besides on the hammock, but there aren't any plugs for my laptop charger there). "The lake" is what we call it, but it's really Lac Courte Orilles. That's French or something for 'lake of the short ears'. There's an Indian tribe that used to live here that cut their earlobes off, which is where the name came from. I suppose I can't say they 'used to live here', because they still kind of do. There's a reservation a few miles east, and I imagine they still have access to the lake, because where we are is the far west part. And this lake is about five miles long.
You wanna know something creepy? There is a dead body lost in this lake. The man drowned on the other side, and they still haven't been able to find him. I am swimming with dead men. That should be a song or something.

Last week, I was in Chicago. I didn't see that much of the city at all, because my cousing got sick. Besides, I've seen Chicago before, so it wasn't that big of a deal. We went directly in to the Museum of Science and Industry. Don't ask me why, but that is the museum hosting Harry Potter: The Exhibition. You guys had all better hope it comes to Colorado, because it's pretty much the coolest thing in the world. And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Okay, so I don't really have much of a desire to steal Leah's bullet-point system, but I think today I'm going to have to, I just have so much random stuff to say. Sorry love monkey!
  • So bullet system reminds of a Flyleaf song I listened to about fifteen times last night. The song is called Cassie and the part of the song it reminds me of is "Do you believe in God? written on a bullet." Don't ask me why, it just does.
  • I am in so much pain right now, you don't even know. I have a killer sunburn on my back, arms, and face. And when I say 'killer', I'm not exaggerating at all. It hurts like a bitch.
  • While I was in Chicago, I decided I was going to get a rook peircing. My mom approves, so I'll get it when I come home. A rook, by the way, is a peircing through the cartilage shelf of the ear.
  • I'm getting a new phone.
  • I keep wanting to hold somebody's hand. I don't know why. And it isn't a specific somebody, just somebody.
  • Black rasberries grow near here, and if they aren't ripe yet, I'm going to have to kill somebody.
  • I found an awesome peice of driftwood, and I'm going to keep it.
  • I'm going to the Mall of America on Thursday.

I don't have any philosophical thoughts today, I'm sorry. I suppose I will leave you with the promise of tomorrow, and the promise that tomorrow will bring me one day closer to coming home.

I love you, and I hope you still love me too.

1 comment:

  1. I'd give you bullets in response, but
    "Say yes to pull the trigger"
    And I'd kill somebody, too, for black raspberries.
    And as Metro Station says,
    "You won't be 14 forever"
    Oh. Wait.Just kidding.
