Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tuesday's With Kyra's Mind 1.0

So Leah posted this survey on her blog, and like the little theif I am, I will fill it out on mine. Minus everything relating to Myspace because I never use it. Aren't I just awesome? I think I'm going to make an annual Tuesday Survey, once or twice a month. You know why? I really enjoy taking these. It makes me feel more connected to myself. I mean, it makes me truly think about who I am, my opinions of things, my existence amongst all you people. I will sometimes do these without actually posting them anywhere. I'll save them as diary entries of sorts. So if I post them on here, I won't be quite so much of a loser. And you guys can see my re-connection to self, or whatever. Anyhow, here goes:

Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
I would imagine that I could if I really wanted to. As of right now, I think it would be easy. But maybe in the future, in social situations, it might be harder not to. Like wine with dinner or such.
How do you feel about big trucks?
Um. Depends on the big truck. Like a big pickup? I've always wanted to drive one of those. A big Hummer like truck? Those are gigantic, air polluting, enormous, pointless, and the result of some sort of egotisical desire to show everybody on the road that you can afford a giant, gas guzzling, rolling, metal box. Or a semi truck? For my opinion on that, read the blog I posted a while ago.
Does anything hurt on your body right now?
My back and my butt. Every chair in this house is uncomfortable.
Do you act more silly or serious?
Well. I act silly a lot. But I can be very good a serious if I have to be, or want to be.
What's your name without the letters a, b, c, x, y, or z?
Kr Mrie Srimgeour
How often do you wear a belt?
Every time I wear jeans, I'm probably wearing a belt.
What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
What is the last thing you got in trouble for with your parents?
That sentence is so gramatically incorrect it makes me shudder. And I don't remember what I got in trouble for.
Do you have a secret that you've never told anyone?
Uh...not that I can think of. I don't really keep secrets about myself. Which is not to say I don't keep other's secrets. I just don't have any myself.
Who was the last person you were in a car with?
My mom, my bro, and my Aunt Joan
Are you wearing a ring, if so who gave it to you?
I'm wearing three. One was a gift to myself from myself, one was from my mom, and one I found in JC Penny and just kept. So I suppose it was a gift from JC Penny.
What was going through your mind during your last kiss?
"This is totally wierd, considering that I've never kissed anyone. And I won't have kissed anyone after this."
That was a lame attempt at making a joke about how I've never kissed anybody.
What show did you last watch?
Bugs Bunny
What was the last meal you ate?
Well...I had a hot pocket. And that was it. So I guess lunch.
Do you give special ringtones to certain people?
I don't even use ringtones. My phone is always on vibrate.
Have you ever seen a 3D movie in theaters?
No, actually.
Where'd you get everything that you're wearing?
As I said, JC Penny, my mom, the Renissance Festival, Party America, the Bahamas (thanks Shelby!), someplace I don't know about, my grandparents, the Hard Rock Cafe, Elitches, and Kohls.
Just so everybody knows, that includes jewelry.
Have you memorized your social security number?
Hahahaha, no.
Would you ever consider having a relationship with your best guy friend?
Well. I don't know. I don't think it would ever actually happen, so I don't imagine that it's something I should have to worry about.
What's your favorite color to wear?
Black. Or other similarly dark colors.
Do you think girls & guys can be friends without anything happening?
I think I'm a living example of how much of a joke that statement is.
Do you like cookies?
Do you NOT like cookies?
If so, fresh baked cookies or hard cookies out of a box?
The only hard cookies I like are those tube ones. Otherwise, always fresh baked.
Have you ever kissed someone in a bathroom?
Well, I've kissed a girl on the cheek in the bathroom. It was one of those, she was crying and I couldn't make her feel better type things. And yes, I do that. So warn me if you don't want me to.
What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Played Sodoku.
Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I highly doubt it.
Believe in love at first sight?
I believe in lust at first sight.
Ever kissed in the rain?
No...but I wish.
Which of your friends lives closest to you?
Uh. Sarah, I think. But only sometimes.
What are you listening to?
The World At Large--Modest Mouse
Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
I do. You generally learn and grow as a person when in a relationship. At least from what I've observed.
Where do you wish you were right now?
Pretty much anywhere but here. Chicago. Door County. Minneapolis. Home. Basically, the future.
How many girls do you trust?
A fair few.
How many guys do you trust?
Most of the ones I'm friends with.
Do you curse in front of your parents?
Only on accident, or when I'm describing some sort of very uncomfortable physical condition that I'm in.
At what age do you want to be married?
I don't plan things quite that specifically. I will be married at whatever age it happens at.
Who was your last text from & what did it say?
I dunno. I haven't looked at my phone in a few hours.
What time did you go to sleep last night?
Late. Very very late.
What did you do yesterday?
Wow. This is embarrasing. I watched about four movies. And sat around and played Sodoku. And that's it.
How's your heart lately?
Fine. Nothing for me to be concerned about. It's beating normally, and pumping blood correctly, and the doctor says I don't have a heart murmur or anything.
Have a bruise from the opposite sex?
I have had them in the past. But not currently.
Did you dream of anything last night?
Yeah, but I don't remember it. Which is totally weird.
Ever had your heart broken?
Do you look your age?
People always think I'm older than I am...so I guess not.
What do you want right now?
to go kyaking.
Have you ever thought you were gonna die?
Yeah. I thought I was going to drown. I got caught in the undertow of a wave going back to sea.
How do you feel about girls/guys smoking?
What's specific about it being a guy or a girl? I think it's generally a nasty habit. But I understand it.
Were you happy when you woke up today?
Not at all.
What was the first thing you did when you woke up?
Checked the sheets, then took a shower.
Whats on your schedule for tomorrow?
I'm going to someplace near some island, possibly with my cousin.
Do you miss anyone?
I miss a whole lot of people right now. Pretty much everyone.
Do you ever think about someone and start crying?
Only when I'm trying to use it as a tear trigger...for acting and such.
Have you ever liked someone older than you?
Yes, most definitley. I think it's very rare that I like someone my age.
What did you do this weekend?
I don't remember. Watched a lot of movies, probably.
Whats the last thing you ate?
a cinnamon candy thing

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